Frequently Asked Q's

Before using our contact form please read these Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is clematis ???? in stock? - Please check the website for availability. All plants we stock are online and have their status clearly visible.
  • When is the best time to plant? - With the quality of the clematis we supply you are able to plant year round so long as they have had a period of 'hardening off'. Soil type can effect your decision as to when planting is most desirable. As a guide - if you have heavy ground, then plant in the spring/summer (Feb-June) and if you have light or sandy ground plant in autumn/winter (September/November). So long as the ground is not frozen or water logged you can plant year round.
    If autumn planting do keep in mind that winter failures will not be replaced free of charge. It's not our fault if the weather is bad and they die off!
  • What size are your plants? - Our plants are garden ready 2 years old and most are grown in a 3 litre pot. They are on 90cm Bamboo canes with individual labelling for each plant. Find out more here - Our Quality Plants
  • Can you complete my order before sending it? - No. We are sorry we can not do this because the time and space required to administer such a system is simply unworkable on our scale. There is a useful notification feature for out of stock plants that works very well.
  • Out Of Stock - When will the plant I want come back into stock? - Good question! With plants it is often difficult to be certain when they will be ready for sale. We have strict quality standards that we will not compromise on so please be patient. Please refrain from asking this via the contact form and use the Notification function on the plant page. This will tell you by email when it is back in stock.
  • When do you send? - We send all year round because of the quality of the product we are sending. Find out more here - Delivery Details
  • Do I need to harden off before planting? - Yes - Clematis purchased during winter through to April, must be hardened off before planting. Read more here - How to Plant Clematis
  • Can you help with my plant selection? - Yes we can but we are often very busy as we are a small team. We have a wonderful Clematis Selection Made Easy section which includes groups of clematis made for the most frequently requested situations. Shade Tolerant, Windy Aspects, Attractive to Bees, Hot & Dry Areas among others, so do check that out here. Clematis Selection Made Easy
  • Do you accept National Garden Scheme Gift Vouchers? - No I'm afraid we only accept our own vouchers. Purchase Thorncroft Gift Vouchers
  • Can I reserve plants until you have all the ones I want? - No. We are sorry we can not do this because the time and space required to administer such a system is simply unworkable on our scale. There is a useful notification feature for out of stock plants that works very well.
  • How much is delivery? - Please see the delivery charges table on the Delivery Details Page
  • Do you offer discounts for large or regular orders? - As a small business we regret that we do not offer a regular discount. However we have capped our Delivery Charges so you are not penalised for buying more plants once you have reached the maximum charge for your region. See the link above for delivery charges.
    Also if you create an account on our website you can earn Loyalty points to 'cash in' against future purchases.
  • Do I have to sign for delivery? - No a signature is not required. At the checkout you will be required to advise us of a safe place your parcel can be left or of a neighbour that might take it for you of you are out.
  • Are you plants fully hardy? - For each plant on our website you can see the hardiness in the Specifications, tab.
  • Can I send a gift message with my gift order? - Yes. Please add the message at the end of the Checkout process. There is a specific box to put this note in. There is no charge for this service and we hand write the note on a high quality, professionally printed clematis gift card.
  • Can I collect at the nursery? - YES! We have a popular Click & Collect option at checkout and collection days and details here - Delivery & Collection
  • Do you send to the USA, Canada or Europe? - We do not export to anywhere outside the UK. For the US and Canada please try our friends at Brushwood Nursery - Georgia  & don't forget to tell them Thorncroft referred you!
  • Do you have a catalogue? - Yes we do and you can order yours by clicking here.
  • When do I prune my clematis? - Have a look at our Care Guide for full information.

Correspondence Address & Nursery Address: Thorncroft Clematis & Climbers Ltd, Rails End Nursery, Back Lane, Evesham, WR11 7RG, United Kingdom. 

Sadly we do not open regularly to the public for visits at the moment. We do offer a Click & Collect service and we do occasionally have Special Event Days - 
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