
These herbaceous clematis are clump-forming scramblers, they have non-clinging stems and can be allowed to scramble in herbaceous borders.

Check out our Blog post - Abundant Integrifolia Alba

Tips for Integrifolia.
They are good 'front of border' plants, make excellent companions in beds of bush roses, they can also be grown in window boxes, hanging baskets or cascading over a retaining wall.  They are exceptionally hardy, trouble free, very free flowering and as with other herbaceous plants, they die back in winter. All are suitable to use as cut flowers.

8 Items
Clematis Alba (integrifolia)

Dainty nodding bell-shaped flowers of pure white have an occasional hint of blue at the base of the tepals and a sweet scent. A reliable performer and excellent herbaceous clematis.

Clematis Andante

The very deep mauvish-pink nodding bell-shaped flowers have light pink margins to their twisted tepals. A prolific and easy to grow form of the herbaceous integrifolia family.

Clematis Hakuree
Clematis Hakuree

The delicately scented, bluish-white nodding bell-shaped flowers have twisted tepals that reveal a mauve-blue bar on the inside.

Clematis integrifolia

Clematis integrifolia has mid-blue nodding bell-shaped flowers with long narrow twisted tepals. This form of the species is strong growing, prolific and easy to grow as well.

Clematis Ozawas Blue

The rich mid-blue nodding bell-shaped flowers have light mauve-blue margins and strongly recurving tips.

Clematis Pangbourne Pink

The nodding bell-shaped flowers of Pangbourne Pink are a gloriously rich deep rose-pink. Some people can detect a delicate perfume if it is grown in the sun.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Rosea

The mid mauvy-pink nodding bell-shaped flowers merge to paler pink at their beautifully twisted tips. This is possibly the best of the integrifolia in Peter's opinion and one we will always stock.

Clematis TWINKLE 'Zotwi'

Dainty bell shaped flowers of white have a pale sky-blue at the 'crown' of the flower and the tepals gently twist towards the ends. In sunny conditions flowers become fully white.

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