Early to Mid-Summer

This group of large flowered clematis are selected because they flower before June (many will flower again later in the year) and for the most part they require light pruning to achieve best flowering performance.

These clematis prefer a good quality soil with high nutrient levels and a soil which is moist but free-draining. Improve planting holes with at least 2 forkfuls of well rotted manure or garden compost and if you don't have these use a 'Soil Improver' compost. The Improvement material added should be placed under the root of the plant not around it. This encourages the roots to grow downwards and remain deep and cool during summer.

If your clematis flowers in May-June (late spring), cut the dead flower heads when they have finished to encourage a second set of flowers to be produced in the late summer and autumn. Some people prefer to keep these clematis very compact by pruning the plant back by about half, once the early flowers have finished.
Be prepared to wait for a couple of years before they will be at their best - Our saying is - 1st year = Roots, 2nd year = Shoots, 3rd year = Flowers!

127 Items
Clematis ACROPOLIS Evipo078

Stunning bright pink star-shaped flowers have striking pale yellow stamens in the centre and are produced in great abundance over a long period.

Clematis Alice Fisk

These lovely star-shaped blooms open a mid violet-blue maturing to light mauve-blue. Their surface has a 'tissue-paper' like texture and the prettily crimped margins lead to pointed tips.

Clematis Andromeda

The delicious looking flowers remind us of raspberry-ripple ice cream, they are creamy-white with pretty raspberry-red bars. The early blooms are semi-double, with single blooms later.
'Recommended' by a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Clematis ANGELA 'Zoang'

The striking flower has deep rich pink bars merging towards paler mauve-pink margins and lovely contrasting pale yellow stamens. 

Clematis ANNA-LOUISE Evithree

The fabulous bluey-purple star-shaped flowers have a bright cerise bar and a striking crown of contrasting stamens.Awarded the RHS Award of Garden

Clematis ANSLEY Evipo103

Clematis ANSLEY is a wonderfully compact patio clematis giving an abundance of flowers that are a deep burgundy-red, have a textured surface and a white filament and brown anthers in the centre.

Clematis Asao

The vibrant rich deep pink flowers merge to almost white bars that have the same deep pink running through veins.
Pronounced Asow.

Clematis Barbara Jackman

Clematis Barbara Jackman is a lovely old cultivar that has light mauve-blue flowers with a rich purply-pink bar and crown of cream stamens which are very striking against the deeper colours of the tepals.

Clematis Beauty of Worcester

The early blooms are double or semi-double, single later. They are deep mid-blue with a hint of pink.

Clematis Bees Jubilee

These classic looking blooms are pale mauve-pink and have a deep carmine bar that offset a lovely crown of stamens. A truly lovely and well-known clematis.

Clematis BIJOU Evipo030

This extremely cute clematis has light violet-mauve star-shaped flowers with a hint of pink along the bar. The early flowers are occasionally semi-double. Very compact & free-flowering, perfect for front of border or a pot!

Clematis Blue Light

Light mauvy-blue, early double blooms are rosette like in form and are produced in great numbers from May to September. The later blooms have a spiky centre to the double heads.


Clematis BLUSHING BRIDESMAID was formerly known as clematis 'Kaiser'. This spectacular deep pink double clematis has rosette-like flowers often with a lighter pink spiky centre. Later flowers will be single but have a distinctive 'fountain-like' crown of petaloid stamens. A very compact variety.

Clematis BOURBON Evipo018

Glorious vibrant red margins merge to deep rose-pink at the centre and have a prominent crown of contrasting yellow stamens. Always a stunning sight on our Chelsea displays.
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Clematis CEZANNE Evipo023

The pretty light mauvy-blue flowers are enhanced by creamy-white stamens. A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis CHARMAINE Evipo022

Glorious rich red blooms are borne double and semi-double from the old wood early in the season with single flowers produced later. They are often burgundy when they first open.

Clematis CHELSEA Evipo100

The pretty rounded flowers are a very pale bluish-creamy-white with pale yellow stamens. Very compact & free-flowering, perfect for front of border or a pot!

Clematis CHEVALIER Evipo040

The velvety purple flowers occasionally have a pink bar when first open, they mature to a mid blue and have a lovely crown of contrasting pale yellow stamens.

Clematis CLAIRE DE LUNE Evirin

These elegant star-shaped blooms have slightly frilly pale lilac-blue margins that merge into a white bar and contrasting dark chocolate-red

Clematis CORINNE Evipo063

The pretty pale pink star-shaped flowers have a delicate pink blush at the base of their tepals, which is enhanced by a crown of deep pink stamens. A compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis Countess of Lovelace

The distinctive mid bluey-mauve blooms appear fully double in early summer with single blooms later in the season. An old classic that we love to keep in our collection.

Clematis Crimson King (Red Cooler)

The beautiful blooms are deep cerise pink with a slightly paler bar. Occasionally the early blooms are semi-double. A lovely old classic dating from the early 1900's.

Clematis CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN Fairy Blue Evipo038

The fabulous lilac-blue flowers have an amazing fountain-like centre of silvery-mauve petaloid stamens. A compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Clematis Daniel Deronda

The lovely rich bluey-purple flowers have paler, almost mauve bars. The early flowers are occasionally semi-double.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden

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