
Clematis from the group forsteri are often referred to as New Zealand clematis.

These clematis originate from species native to New Zealand and have attractive evergreen foliage. They are well suited to growing in free-draining soil or pots with free draining or alpine compost and may prefer the more sheltered places in your garden.  'Early Sensation' produces amazing seed-heads when grown alongside 'Joe'. These clematis are dioecious (producing either male or female flowers).

Tips for Forsteri Clematis.

We recommend that you grow all the clematis in this group in free-draining soil or containers for the smaller cultivars and give them the benefit of a sheltered aspect. They do not cling as freely as other clematis so are often used as scramblers or if used as a climber may need occasional tying in to their support. The compost for containers should ideally be very free draining and mixing in a few handfuls of horticultural grit or perlite will help.  Make sure the pot can drain freely and reduce watering in the autumn because they over-winter better if slightly dry, rather than too wet.

5 Items
Clematis Avalanche (x cartmanii 'Avalanche')

Clematis 'Avalanche' produces clusters of glorious pure white 'male' flowers with yellow stamens. They are the largest blooms in this evergreen group of clematis. We recommend growing in a container unless the soil is free-draining or the drainage is very carefully improved.

Clematis Early Sensation

Clematis Early Sensation has 'female' flowers that are greeny-cream on opening, maturing to pure white. Grow near 'Avalanche' or 'Joe' to get amazing seed-heads!
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Clematis Joe (x cartmanii 'Joe')

The white 'male' flowers have pale yellow stamens that are produced in huge profusion across the plant. A thick waxy foliage is evergreen and has a parsley-like appearance.
Clematis 'Joe' is also known as cartmanii 'Joe'.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis MICHIKO Evipo044 (x cartmanii Michiko)

Clematis MICHIKO is an excellent addition to the Forsteri group. The compact stems provide an abundance of pretty white flowers over an interesting evergreen parsley shaped foliage. A prolific flowering plant with prostrate growing habit or can be trained vertically if desired.

Clematis Pixie

Clematis 'Pixie' has pale greeny-cream star-shaped male flowers that provide the most gorgeous citrus-like perfume. A charming little

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