New Clematis

Here we have a list of the most recently introduced clematis, many will have been launched by ourselves, some may be older varieties but recently re-introduced to our collection.

The most recent new varieties for 2023 are:
'Christmas Surprise', - Saphyra® Violetta, - Saphyra® Indigo, - Saphyra® Nancy & Saphyra® Estrella.

From 2022:
Lavallee No.1 - launch by Thorncroft Clematis July 2022,
BELLISSIMA 'Zo10075, DANCING KING 'Zodaki', EXCITING 'Zoexci', SUNNY SKY 'Zosusk', and WONDERFUL 'Zo09073'.
Returning to our collection for 2022: BLUE PIROUETTE 'Zobluepi, Fascination and INSPIRATION 'Zoin'.

From 2021:
Duchess of Cornwall 'Evipo118' and Kokonoe were added in the spring, then at our September Open Day we were delighted to add LITTLE LEMONS 'Zo14100',  Multi Pink 'ST17333',  RED PASSION 'Zo11056', and SO MANY RED FLOWERS 'Zo06178' for our customers to enjoy and golly they flew out the door!

From 2019:
Clematis ‘Meghan’, and SUGAR SWEET™ Blue were officially introduced by us at the Chelsea Flower Show 2019 and SUPER NIGHT and SPOTLIGHT were officially introduced by us at Chatsworth Flower Show 2019.

26 Items
Clematis WHITE ARABELLA 'Zo14089'

The first flowers are semi-double, secondary blooms are single but all are purest white and starlike in their appearance. An extremely abundant and hardy variety named due to it's resemblance to the ever popular Arabella.

Clematis WONDERFUL 'Zo09073'

The vibrant pinkish-red semi-nodding flowers have a dark centre, are very pretty and produced in huge abundance from mid to late summer. A striking climber for any arch or arbor and a great companion plant too.

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