Shade Tolerant

Many clematis are able to grow on 'Any' aspect, however the ones listed here are the best for growing in the most shady areas of your garden.
Broadly speaking a clematis natural habitat, is to grow under the canopy of tree's and shrubs and for the twining stems to grow through the branches, allowing the flower to lay on the open canopy above. Because of this habit these plants will cope with partial shade to full shade as long as the shade is not really dark or dense, like it would be between two tall buildings for example.

We hope that our selection of clematis for shade offers something for you and your garden.

62 Items
Clematis FILIGREE Evipo029

This lovely little clematis is extremely compact and has charming silvery-pinkish-mauve flowers with pretty ruffled edges. The early flowers are often semi-double. Perfect for front of border or a pot!

Clematis Forget Me Not

The pretty light mauve-blue flowers have a deeply textured surface and crimped margins. Clematis 'Forget Me Not' will make a very useful plant for a gift.

Clematis Frankie

Clematis Frankie has deep mauve-blue single nodding bell-shaped flowers with a creamy-white inner skirt. A dainty but also very hardy plant, this will be a clematis I will always have in my garden.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Fujimusume

The purest, clearest 'true blue' clematis there is, its glorious flowers have contrasting pale yellow stamens. A very compact, free-flowering climber, perfect for pots and an extremely good candidate for a north wall.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Gillian Blades

The elegant white star-shaped blooms have the palest bluey-mauve very ruffled margins. Absolutely gorgeous!
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden

Clematis Guernsey Cream

The rounded creamy-white blooms have a primrose-yellow bar when first open. Particularly good for a shady aspect and will benefit from dead-heading.

Clematis H.F. Young

The classic star-shaped blooms are mid mauvy-blue when first open, paling to a lovely 'Wedgwood Blue' as they mature. Its contrasting pale yellow stamens add to its charm.

Clematis Hagelby White

The dainty semi-nodding flowers are slightly greeny-cream when first open and mature to almost pure white. The variety was discovered in Hagelby Park, Stockholm, and introduced in 1998 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Swedish Clematis Society.

Clematis Hagley Hybrid

The lovely shell pink star-shaped blooms have a deeper rose-pink bar when first open, they mature to pale mauve-pink. An old favourite of ours which is perfect in a shady position.

Clematis Hania

This striking clematis has vivid purply-red bars merging to light pinky-mauve undulating margins and a prominent crown of contrasting stamens.

Clematis I AM® LADY Q 'Zoiamladyq'

Dainty white flowers have a mid-pink margin, purple anthers and are borne in great abundance. Magnificent grown with 'Walenburg'.

Clematis ICE BLUE Evipo003

Clematis ICE BLUE has magnificent bluish-white flowers with a mauve-blue bar when first open, the later blooms are almost white. The depth of the 'blue' colouration can vary depending on the aspect, weather and soil.

Clematis Ivan Olsson

His regal looking blooms have pale grey-blue margins that merge to a white bar and are offset by a crown of wine-red stamens. The early blooms are occasionally semi-double.

Clematis Jan Pawel II syn. John Paul II
Clematis Jan Pawel II syn. John Paul II

Named after the Polish Pope. The pearly pinkish-white blooms have a deeper pink bar which fades as the blooms mature. Hard pruning will delay flowering until autumn.

Clematis John Huxtable

The pretty white flowers are deeply textured and have a wonderful satin sheen. This popular clematis is perfect to brighten any dull spot in your garden and excellent for a long summer and autumn flowering period.

Clematis JULIANE Evipo049

Clematis JULIANE has very pretty pure white flowers that have a cupped shape when first opening and a very rounded tip. White filaments are tipped with reddy-brown anthers.

Clematis Little Bas

The dainty bluey-purple nodding bell-shaped flowers have a white star on the interior and are perfect for that 'cottage garden' look. Clematis 'Little Bas' was raised in Holland on the nursery of J van Zoest and named after their youngest son.

Clematis Little Nell

The dainty semi-nodding flowers have white bars and pale mauve-pink margins. Despite its delicate appearance it is an exceptionally 'good-doer' and an excellent garden plant. Another one of Peter's many favourites!

Clematis Margot Koster (M. Koster)

Clematis 'Margot Koster' is a lovely old clematis which has irregular, somewhat 'dishevelled-looking' flowers of deep mauve-pink, which nevertheless are extremely attractive!  An excellent companion plant, it grows very well with other climbers and though shrub roses.

Clematis Marie Boisselot

The beautiful upward-facing blooms open creamy-white, turning to pure white as they mature and have golden stamens. A beautiful old cultivar from the early 1900's. 
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Miss Christine

The pure white scented flowers have broad purply-pink margins on the reverse. Will also flower sporadically through the summer months.
Ensure free draining soil conditions are provided as can be prone to wetting-off in winter months.

Clematis Nelly Moser

The outstanding pale mauve-pink blooms have light cerise-pink bars and elegant dark red stamens. An old favourite that is perfect for a north wall or to brighten a dull corner.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Omoshiro

These elegant pinky-white satin-like blooms are outlined around their margins & tips by rich raspberry-pink. This deep colouring covers the whole of their reverse. A crown of raspberry-red stamens completes this fabulous picture.

Clematis OOH LA LA Evipo041

This appropriately named eye-catching clematis has light mauvy-pink wavy margins and vibrant deep pink bars. Wow! A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

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