Dry & Hot Areas

Over the years we have gained many friends who garden in countries with warmer climates like southern France or even hotter such as South Africa or southern Japan. We are grateful to them for giving us feedback on what does well and what does not in these hotter climatic conditions.
Generally we would suggest the following as a guide to those types that are happier in a warmer climate. However, all individual environments do differ, so we cannot guarantee success in any particular location.

Keeping the clematis moist at the root is key. Ensure that the compost does not dry out, nor become waterlogged from to frequent watering, then most clematis will cope with reasonably high summer temperatures.

Growing them in pots or containers of some sort is often a better way to ensure good soil and moist, yet free-draining conditions. We understand, for example, that the local soil in Madeira and parts of South Africa is not ideal. There is really no need to shade the roots - although it can help to retain moisture, it can also harbour slugs and other pests.
Most general advice is still the same as in England; feed them every two weeks even when they are flowering, and keep pale coloured types that are prone to fading, in shade.

As a guide, based on feedback from customers, you may like to try the following:
Most of the species, such as ternifloraorientalis var. orientalis and rehderiana.
Also consider the Cirrhosa and other evergreens, but they may exhibit summer dormancy, losing their leaves in the hottest months.
The Tangutica Group will be fine in drier soils but high humidity may be a problem.
Montanas generally, although they do need a good supply of water especially as they can become very large.
Most large flowered types, but prune back by half after the first flowering to avoid too much dead foliage building up. They will flower again 6 - 8 weeks later.
The Integrifolia Group and Texensis Groups, but these must be kept moist at the root to avoid mildew problems.  

159 Items
Clematis QUEEN MOTHER 'Zoqum'

The charming light mauve-pink nodding bell-shaped flowers have paler margins and strongly recurved tips revealing the deep purply-pink inside. Looks stunning growing up through an obelisk. Also good as cut flowers.

Clematis Remembrance

The flowers of Remembrance are more of a deep raspberry pink than red and are deeply textured with veins and a crimped margin to each tepal. 
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis ROSALYN 'Zo09087'

This incredible new clematis bred by Wim Snoeijer in The Netherlands is quite unique and will certainly attract those who seek something a little different to plant in their gardens. The rich abundance of these eye-catching spiky multi-layered magenta flowers is a sight to behold.

Clematis Royal Velours

The semi-nodding flowers are a rich purply-red with a luxurious velvety appearance. You've got to find a space for this clematis! As one of my personal favourites, I simply can't stop taking photos of it!

Clematis SEA BREEZE 'Zo09063'

A huge abundance of flowers that have a fresh pale violet-blue colour, becoming almost white at the centre of the tepal, surround a dark 'eye' of anthers in the middle.
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Clematis Shikoo

The exotic looking rosette-like blooms are rich purply-blue with slightly paler bars to their elegantly pointed tepals. Its later flowers are sometimes single. The depth of colour and depth of the double flower varies from garden to garden. Introduced by us at Chelsea 2012.

Clematis Sieboldiana (florida var. florida Sieboldiana)

clematis Sieboldiana is an exotic looking clematis that is hugely popular. The creamy-white tepals have a rich purple crown of staminodes.
An unstable variety where the blooms can occasionally revert to clematis Alba Plena.

Clematis Snowdrift

The clusters of white flowers have a good perfume. A superb evergreen climber that requires free draining soil, sunny aspect to enhance perfume.

Clematis Sodertalje

The dusky pinkish-red semi-nodding flowers are so pretty and look particularly good when grown alongside apricot coloured climbing roses. Pronounced Sir da tarlia.

Clematis SPOTLIGHT 'Zo08160'

The flowers of pale mauvey-blue have an almost white bar in the centre of the tepal and an almost luminescent quality to them as if they are alight.

Clematis stans

A species from Japan that has clusters of small bluish-white to pale blue hyacinth shaped flowers which occasionally have a slight perfume. This clump-forming clematis has erect woody stems and requires free draining soil.

Clematis SUNNY SKY 'Zosusk'

Delightfully dainty flowers of mid violet-purple have tiny white flecks and deeper rosy markings. Blooms age to violet-blue and have a charming dark anther in the centre making the whole flower something to really admire.

Clematis SUPER NIGHT 'Zo11112'

Magnificent royal purple flowers have a slightly lighter mottling effect to them and a dark purple anther in the centre giving a very striking display when paired with a paler colour for strong contrast. You could consider planting with clematis 'Prince George' for a stunning contrast in colours and long summer flower interest.

Clematis SUPER NOVA 'Zo09088'

A truly stunning new 'two-tone' clematis bred by Wim Snoeijer in The Netherlands. The rich vibrant purple of its ruffled & slightly recurved margins runs through its veins towards white bars. The boss of dark purple stamens adds the finishing touch to these lovely blooms.

Clematis Sweet Scentsation

The glorious clusters of white, sweetly scented star-like flowers are borne in great abundance making an eye-catching display for your garden.

Clematis Sweet Summer Love

Sweet Summer Love has wonderfully scented flowers of rich deep red when first open, maturing through purply-red and paling to light purplish violet as the flowers age.

Clematis Taigaź

Launched by Thorncroft Clematis at Cheslea 2017.
The attractive double blue-purple flowers have a greeny-white tip to the tepals and appear from summer through to autumn. This stunning clematis will light up your patio when grown in a large container with good drainage. 

Clematis tangutica

Mid yellow to golden lantern shaped blooms are produced in huge abundance across this popular species of clematis. The height and vigour of the plant are what make it so popular including the fact it thrives without much care or attention. Give it space to grow and do not try to contain it in a small area.

Clematis terniflora (Sweet Autumn Clematis)

Clematis terniflora has clusters of small white star-shaped flowers with a gorgeous hawthorn-like perfume, from which it gets its common name 'Sweet Autumn Clematis'.

Clematis triternata Rubromarginata

The abundant clusters of small almond-scented star-like flowers are white with bright pinky-red tips. A favourite in our garden and one we will never be without! 
She is often know as flammula 'Rubromarginata' and is also abbreviated to TRM.

Clematis TSUKIKO Evipo110

Clematis TSUKIKO 'Evipo110' has beautifully elegant white flowers have a pointed tip and occasionally display a subtle mauve blush at the middle of the tepal and deep crimson anthers at the centre.
Bred by Raymond Evison of Guernsey.

Clematis TWINKLE 'Zotwi'

Dainty bell shaped flowers of white have a pale sky-blue at the 'crown' of the flower and the tepals gently twist towards the ends. In sunny conditions flowers become fully white.

Clematis urophylla Winter Beauty

The dainty nodding bell-shaped flowers are pure white and have a waxy texture. The attractive foliage is evergreen and the plant benefits from free-draining soil.

Clematis Valour

clematis 'Valour' is an exceptional viticella that produces beautiful pinky-lilac 'katherine-wheel' shaped flowers in great abundance. They have pretty contrasting pale yellow stamens which provide a striking centre piece.
Exhibited first by Thorncroft Clematis at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018.

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