Dry & Hot Areas

Over the years we have gained many friends who garden in countries with warmer climates like southern France or even hotter such as South Africa or southern Japan. We are grateful to them for giving us feedback on what does well and what does not in these hotter climatic conditions.
Generally we would suggest the following as a guide to those types that are happier in a warmer climate. However, all individual environments do differ, so we cannot guarantee success in any particular location.

Keeping the clematis moist at the root is key. Ensure that the compost does not dry out, nor become waterlogged from to frequent watering, then most clematis will cope with reasonably high summer temperatures.

Growing them in pots or containers of some sort is often a better way to ensure good soil and moist, yet free-draining conditions. We understand, for example, that the local soil in Madeira and parts of South Africa is not ideal. There is really no need to shade the roots - although it can help to retain moisture, it can also harbour slugs and other pests.
Most general advice is still the same as in England; feed them every two weeks even when they are flowering, and keep pale coloured types that are prone to fading, in shade.

As a guide, based on feedback from customers, you may like to try the following:
Most of the species, such as ternifloraorientalis var. orientalis and rehderiana.
Also consider the Cirrhosa and other evergreens, but they may exhibit summer dormancy, losing their leaves in the hottest months.
The Tangutica Group will be fine in drier soils but high humidity may be a problem.
Montanas generally, although they do need a good supply of water especially as they can become very large.
Most large flowered types, but prune back by half after the first flowering to avoid too much dead foliage building up. They will flower again 6 - 8 weeks later.
The Integrifolia Group and Texensis Groups, but these must be kept moist at the root to avoid mildew problems.  

149 Items
Jasminum nudiflorum

My Winter Jasmine, jasminum nudiflorum looks a picture growing on my vintage tin workshop walls. Clusters of small yellow flowers appear from bare stems in the winter months, giving a delightful bright splash to dull areas and contrasts brilliantly with the dark green painted tin.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum officinale
Jasminum officinale

This vigorous, twining climber, Jasminum officinale, produces lovely, fragrant white flowers against dark green foliage. Although deciduous, it can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil.

Jasminum officinale Affine

This vigorous, twining climber, Jasminum officinale Affine, produces lovely, fragrant white flowers with a pink tint on slender stems. Although deciduous, it can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil to avoid getting too wet throughout the winter months.

Jasminum officinale Aureum (Aureovariegatum)

Jasminum officinale Aureum is a hardy deciduous climbing jasmine producing abundant clusters of sweetly scented white flowers in summer and autumn with variegated green and creamy yellow foliage.
Previously known as Jasminum officinale Aureovariegatum

Jasminum officinale Devon Cream (Clotted Cream)

Jasminum officinale Devon Cream is one of my favourite Jasmine of all time. Abundant clusters of sweetly scented creamy-white flowers are produced throughout the summer months on a plant capable of covering up to 6x6 foot fence panels! 

Jasminum officinale Inverleith

On Jasminum officinale Inverleith, clusters of pink-red buds open into sweetly scented white flowers during spring and autumn. It can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum polyanthum

What a stunning Jasmine this is. Jasminum polyanthum produces large clusters of strong & sweetly scented white flowers that emerge from rich pink buds. It is also semi-evergreen in very sheltered situations and will requires a free draining soil to avoid it wetting off in the winter.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum x stephanense

With vigorous young shoots that often have variegated leaves, Jasminum x stephanense also produces beautiful pale pink, scented flowers. It can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil to avoid becoming waterlogged in the winter.

Parthenocissus henryana

A spectacular Chinese Virginia creeper, Parthenocissus henryana is a deciduous, self-clinging climber which has attractive dark green foliage, with silver white veining, in the spring and summer, and leaves which turn crimson red in the autumn, for an amazing display.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Parthenocissus quinquefolia is the traditional Virginia creeper, a deciduous, self-clinging climber, with large green leaves in the summer, which turn bright red in the autumn, filling your garden with a real pop of colour. The leaf is slightly glossy and the blooms leave behind a small black berry which the birds love but it is toxic to humans.

Parthenocissus quinquefolia REDWALL® Troki

An exclusive and stunning Polish variety with attractive large glossy leaves, green in summer, turning to deep fiery red in autumn. Fully hardy, healthy and quite undemanding. An excellent subject for growing over fences, but may also be trained over walls, arbour's, pergolas and other supports.

Parthenocissus tricuspidata Beverley Brook

Commonly known as Boston Ivy, Parthenocissus Beverley Brook is a self-clinging, vigorous climber grown mainly for it's spectacular autumn leaf colour, which is at its best when grown in full sun. The leaves are glossy green in spring and summer, turning glorious red and purple during the autumn.

Parthenocissus tricuspidata Veitchii

Also known as The Boston Ivy. Parthenocissus tricuspidata Veitchii is a vigorous climber grown mainly for its spectacular autumn leaf colour, which is at its best when grown in full sun. This is my favourite Parthenosisus and photographed on a fence at the family home.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Passiflora caerulea

Often referred to as The Common Passion Flower, Passiflora caerulea ia a semi-evergreen climber with beautifully intricate white flowers, sometimes flushed pink, which have a central purply-blue crown.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Passiflora caerulea Constance Elliott

Passiflora Constance Elliott is a stunning, semi-evergreen climber bearing scented, beautifully intricate pure white flowers, with white filaments and green and purple structures at its centre. The flowers are followed by orange-yellow, egg-shaped fruit. It requires free draining soil. A strikingly beautiful white passion flower, nicely complemented by dark green foliage, this plant will brighten any area that it climbs over.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Passiflora caerulea Rubra

Often called the Common Passion Flower, Passiflora caerulea Rubra is a semi-evergreen climber, bearing beautifully intricate flushed pink flowers, with a central purply-blue crown during late summer and autumn. It requires free draining soil.

Passiflora caerulea White Lightning (Yanpas)

This semi-evergreen climber, Passiflora White Lightning, produces striking ivory-white blooms accented by a purple crown and centre, followed by yellow fruit. It requires free draining soil. Enjoy the exotic-looking flowers and bring colour into your garden with this lovely variety of Passion Flower.

Passiflora Purple Haze

Impressively large exotic flowers are white with an overlay of vibrant purply-blue filaments and green and purple structures in the centre. The flowers have a light scent and are sought-after by pollinating insects. It will be happiest on a sheltered wall where it gets some protection form the worst of the winter weather. Alternatively grow it in a cool conservatory of greenhouse.

Passiflora Snow Queen
Passiflora Snow Queen

Passiflora Snow Queen is a stunning, semi-evergreen climber bearing beautifully intricate pure white flowers, with white filaments and green and purple structures at its centre.

Solanum crispum Glasnevin

Solanum crispum Glasnevin is an impressive evergreen climber which will produce a mass of rich purple-blue flowers with a yellow centre in the summer, occasionally paler blue on sandy soils. It is a strong grower which benefits from being allowed to grow rather than being contained by pruning.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Solanum jasminoides Album Variegatum

This variety of the potato vine produces masses of pure white star like flowers with a yellow filaments and anthers. It has a very attractive green and creamy-white variegated foliage that is also semi-evergreen in most of the UK climate.

Solanum laxum Album

With slender, twining stems and glossy green leaves, Solanum jasminoides Album is an evergreen climber which will cover itself in glorious clusters of bright white, scented star-shaped flowers in the summer and autumn. A strong growing plant that is difficult to contain by pruning so give it space to spread and go wild!
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Sollya heterophylla

Originating from Australia, Sollya heterophylla is a lovely evergreen climber which produces beautiful blue bell-like, scented flowers during the summer months. A great choice for growing in a pot or container in your conservatory, or on the patio in mild weather, this climber will fill its space with beautiful blue, scented flowers during the summer.

Sollya heterophylla White

Originating from Australia, Sollya heterophylla White is a lovely evergreen climber which produces attractive white bell-like, scented flowers during the summer months. A great choice for growing in a pot or container in your conservatory, or on the patio in mild weather, this climber will fill its space with beautiful blue, scented flowers during the summer.

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